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Balanced Bodies

Other artwork

Prior to constructing the logo there was some "quick and dirty" artwork done for some banner and print advertisements.

Web banners

The following web banners were designed to be used for various forms of web advertising. The images were (as usual) sourced from elsewhere on the web, reworked and altered as required.

Balanced Bodies web banner 468 x 68 pixel banner
Balanced Bodies web banner 468 x 68 pixel banner
Balanced Bodies web banner 150x200 pixel banner
Balanced Bodies web banner 150x200 pixel banner

Print advertisement

The following advertisement was created for a magazine. The target size was 8cm x 6cm (landscape). However, the magazine mangled it and converted it themselves to portrait without telling me. The result was awful, but the original version appears below as it was supposed to.

Balanced Bodies print advertisement Download a vector-based .pdf here
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