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Symetris Pilates

External signage

External signs were used to inform clients of the fact that the business existed. Since it was a ground floor location, people would be curious about the studio.

The front of the studio had many windows, so pictures of Pilates exercises were printed onto film and mounted in a long strip along the top section of the windows at the entrance. In addition, one of the front windows was filled with a large piece of film depicting an advanced exercise (a couple of square meters in size). The film still allowed light in and gave people on the street something to attract their attention.

Since these images are numerous and nothing but graphics, they won't be displayed here.

Other outdoor signage including no parking signs for the parking spaces and an inlay for a massive lightbox. Printing was done by xxlprint.ch.

Symetris Pilates no parking signParking reserved for clients
Symetris Pilates lightbox signMassive florescent lightbox design - 1 x 1.5 metres

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